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University Hospital Of Sharjah Doctors Remove Six-kg Uterine Fibroid From 28-Yr-Old Patient During Complex, High-Risk Surgery

University Hospital Of Sharjah Doctors Remove Six-kg Uterine Fibroid From 28-Yr-Old Patient During Complex, High-Risk Surgery

The University Hospital of Sharjah (UHS) has announced that its team of specialists has successfully carried out a high-risk surgery to remove a six-kilogram (kg) benign uterine tumor from a 28-year-old patient. Led by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Zayed, Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgery, the team performed the complex surgery on the female patient who was admitted to UHS with a huge abdominal swelling.

The swelling had caused the patient continuous pain, difficulty in digestion, and movement problems for years. She had undergone several medical tests in different hospitals in the UAE before her confinement at UHS. Her condition was initially thought to be abdominal distension, but following a series of radiological exams, she was found to have a huge uterine tumor of unknown nature and with a complex adnexal mass. Some of the tumor markers were high as well.

Some hospitals were reluctant to perform the surgery because of the risks involved. They were looking at the possibility of her having a malignant tumor, which could lead to the removal of her uterus and ovaries. At UHS, the Gynecology and Radiology Department conducted further evaluation of her case. Based on the clinical evaluation and the results of her radiological test, she was diagnosed to have a huge uterine mass, which was more likely to be benign.

The patient was then briefed about the complexity of the needed procedure. Afterward, Dr. Zayed and his team proceeded with the surgery.

The doctor successfully pulled off a complex exploratory laparotomy, during which he and his team removed a six-kg degenerated uterine fibroid. Additionally, it was found to be a benign tumor as per the results of the frozen section procedure conducted during the surgery.

Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali,UHS Chief Executive Officer and Member of Board of Trustees, said: “Over the last two years, the hospital has been investing in recruiting the best talents in surgical subspecialties,especially professor doctors from top-ranked university hospitals in the region, to cover any gap in our tertiary healthcare market and outstandingly perform rare medical procedures.”

Dr. Ali added: “The patient recovered completely after the surgery. Another good news is that her doctor was able to completely preserve her uterus and ovaries and, consequently, her fertility.  It was a high-risk surgery, but we have the right team of specialists led by Dr. Zayed and top-notch resources to successfully operate.”

Dr. Zayed is an international expert and consultant in minimally invasive surgery, with more than 30 years of experience in various gynecological procedures. Throughout his career, he has already performed more than 10,000 complex gynecological surgeries.

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